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Great work

thnx br

how can i remove the black background?

can you send a pic here bro? im pretty sure it was supposed to be transparent

do you have more gifs?

what gifs?


very very love your work, so beauty for eyes

thank you bro/sis ^^


is it possible to expand this pack in the future? or maybe there is work on it? thanks for the answer

i am currently working on dungeon map assets related to this one ^^ on my free time

Fantastic pack. Thank you so much for posting.  


Hey! I have used your tileset to create a free Unity template:

Thanks for making it cc0! Did my best to mention it in my assets section everywhere! If you have a twitter let me know since I can definitely mention you there :)

Brooo this is epic! thank you so much for featuring punyworld broo, also I don't use twitter that much hehe,

Just mentioning this link is already ok c: thanks again!

(1 edit) (+1)

I love your work. I’ve been using it for a couple game jams. I used it as is for this jam:

Now I’m trying to work a little bit on pixel art by de-mastering it for the Lospec jam 2. Thank you so much.

epic! love the creativity bro ^^ awesome work


Thank you for the assets. They look great. If the game I use this asset gets popular, I will make sure to shout out to you as well :)


thnks bro/sis ^^


Solid assets, may I ask what the Typescript and TMJ files are?

heya dude, those must have been the Tiled json files which you can open using Tiled:


Hello! I've just thought. Would you like to participate in a jam where people create pixel art assets not games?

yeah sure bro send me the link 0.



i wont join but ill start following those types of jam

oh wait actually let me join hehe ill make some cat npcs


If it will follow theme but I am almost sure theme won't be about cats or something that can incorporate cats...


Here is what it looked like when I was still developing Puny World (2 years ago)!


Hello! Great to see it is released. You forgot to add tags and license metadata :)

yeah dude! thanks.
got this message earlier tho: "Your page has been blocked by our spam detector"
had to appeal the block

About spam. You can find out this bug happened not only to you

But you haven't added any tags...

ooh right right let me do that now

I also added new orc and human units at free puny characters asset pack!

heres what my university thesis game looks like at the moment!

May be a graphic of floor plan, map and text


Will you upload an update of the puny characters and this pack to OGA?

yeah  let me do that tom i guess




5 Stars!

Hell yeah!! I love all your packs. Can I ask what differences this has from the mini world tiles? I know those are mostly just single colors, and these appear to have detail.

(1 edit) (+1)

this one has animated water tiles, you can still use most of the stuff from miniworld just slightly recolor them to a medium-darker hue. this one also have connecting  tiles ^^


thnk u man!


Thank you!! High quality + PWYW + CC0 would get you 6 stars if I could give it. If I ever make something legit from your assets, I'll be back to donate accordingly(I have already purchased your couple of paid packs, so I'm not a total mooch haha).


brooo thnk u so much!